Teaching kusanku to sankyu

Last night, after some kicking drills and sparring, sensei entrusted the adult class to me and told us to work on kusanku. The 'adult class' yesterday consisted of three sankyu. I looked at the clock, rubbed my hands together and said "Alright everyone, we have twenty-five minutes' worth of kusanku. Let me know if you have questions or doubts." When we had finished walking through it, I looked at the clock.

Gentoo on a Dell Inspiron Mini 10

There are a few gotchas: If you have a SSD drive, you need to <em>modprobe pata_sch</em> to see it. when using GRUB, install it on whatever drive the hard drive is, even if it's /dev/sdc – and let your FSTAB use /dev/sda. Chances are that /dev/sda is your liveUSB. In the kernel, in the I2C options, don't let it pick automatically - instead, select the algorithm options in the menu that appears (I don't know it off-hand, will edit this post later to add the important information).

Country alert levels

Let's break the monotony with something funny: The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent terrorist threats and have raised their security level from Miffed to Peeved" Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to Irritated or even A Bit Cross. The English have not been A Bit Cross since the blitz in 1940 when tea supplies all but ran out. Terrorists have been re-categorized from Tiresome to a Bloody Nuisance" The last time the British issued a Bloody Nuisance warning level was in 1588 when threatened by the Spanish Armada.

New gem: ListBrowser

I was working on a parser for a very specific tree structure, and was frustrated that there wasn’t a simple way to parse it in irb. "What??", I thought. "I have to use my brain?! God forbid!". So I set to using my brain a little more to create this tool. It’s not much, but maybe it’ll make someone’s life a little easier. Install: (set up gemcutter) gem install ListBrowser It can be used in irb, and really should be used there - when you call it on a tree structure, you’ll get a menu with a list of choices on how you want to go through whatever structure you gave it.

Git : moving a remote branch

One can't actually move a remote branch, but you can copy a branch and delete a branch, so… Copy oldbranch in repo to newbranch. 1 git push {repo} {oldbranch}:heads/{newbranch} Ex: git push origin foobranch:barbranch renames foobranch to barbranch Remove a remote branch: it’s all about the colon! 1 git push <remote_repo> :heads/<branch> Example: git push origin :heads/some-branch removes some-branch from the remote repo (apparently git push origin :some-branch works as well).