git usage conventions

We've been using git at work for a greenfield project and, so far, this has worked for us. It could be a useful template to get another team started. We have gotten rid of the name 'master', which is only a convention anyway, and instead are using a few permanent branches: <ul> <li>production (only stable code which gets deployed to production goes there. The only branch to be merged in, EVER, is 'stable')</li> <li>stable (only stable code which goes to the staging environment goes there.

Matt Damon's Speech at the Save Our Schools Rally

I flew overnight from Vancouver to be with you today. I landed in New York a few hours ago and caught a flight down here because I needed to tell you all in person that I think you’re awesome. I was raised by a teacher. My mother is a professor of early childhood education. And from the time I went to kindergarten through my senior year in high school, I went to public schools.

L'inventaire - Jacques Prevert

Une pierre deux maisons trois ruines quatre fossoyeurs un jardin des fleurs et un raton laveur une douzaine d'huitres un citron un pain un rayon de soleil une lame de fond six musiciens une porte avec son paillasson un monsieur décoré de la légion d'honneur et un autre raton laveur un sculpteur qui sculpte des Napoléon la fleur qu'on appelle souci deux amoureux sur un grand lit un receveur des contributions une chaise trois dindons un ecclésiastique un furoncle une guepe un rein flottant une écurie de courses un fils indigne deux frères dominicains trois sauterelles un strapontin deux filles de joie un oncle Cyprien une Mater dolorosa trois papas gateaux deux chèvres de Monsieur Seguin un talon Louis XV un fauteuil Louis XVI un buffet Henri II deux buffets Henri III trois buffets Henri IV un tiroir dépareillé une pelote de ficelle trois épingles de sureté un monsieur agé une Victoire de Samothrace un comptable deux aides- comptables un homme du monde deux chirurgiens trois végétariens un cannibale une expédition coloniale un cheval entier une demi-pinte de bon sang une mouche tsé-tsé un homard à l'américaine un jardin à la francaise deux pommes à l'anglaise un face-à-main un valet de pied un orphelin un poumon d'acier un jour de gloire une semaine de bonté un mois de Marie une année terrible une minute de silence une seconde d'inattention et… cinq ou six ratons laveurs

Get started with Ruby

First, <a title="official Ruby site" href="" target="_blank">get Ruby</a>. Install it as explained on the website. Once you're more comfortable with it, in a few weeks, you can check out <a href="" target="_blank">RVM</a>. Not now though - you'd just confuse yourself. The two important command-line tools are going to be "irb" and "ruby". For development, you will be able to use tools like emacs, vim, Jetbrains Rubymine, or Eclipse. Ruby support is quite widespread.

A scene from a story: martial arts training

The Master had been clear on this point - the room was treated so the five physical senses would be useless. When Scott asked how, the Master laughed and told him it was magic. Scott had chuckled and shaken his head. Clearly, no point in arguing - not today's knowledge. Scott blinked and the test began. He relaxed and extended his consciousness into the ground below him and around him.