First Class

The first class went really well. My teaching tempo is still pretty good, though I did underestimate how much information I was giving the new students. Next time, I need to make sure I don't overwhelm them, and keep them to a smaller set of basics. This feels right. I know it's what I'm going to keep doing. Now I need to balance continued growth with proper teaching time.


<h1>What Sparring Is</h1> Sparring is a playful and explorative interaction. Sparring is an exercise, a drill. The Japanese use the word KUMITE - which basically means "grouped hands" or "pair hands", "joined hands", "hands together" (the Wikipedia article suggests "grappling hands"). Sparring is a two-person free-form exercise wherein you get to examine scenarios involving combinations, footwork, distancing, rhythm, controlled power, and focus to improve yourself and your partner.

School creed

In the dojo where I spent my formative years as a martial artist, there is a school creed. A quick search online has revealed that many schools have a similar creed. Every class says it as we begin, after bowing in, before calisthenics. I hear it and/or say it about three times per dojo night. It's a simple creed, and clearly not unique. Here's what it says: <blockquote>I intend to develop myself in a positive manner and avoid anything that would reduce my mental growth or physical health.

Add a user to the wheel group in OSX

Why are these things always so weird? Someday I'll understand why OSX is set up that way. And on that day, I'll probably weep. <blockquote>$ sudo /usr/bin/dscl . -append /groups/wheel GroupMembership <em>username</em> <p style="padding-left: 30px;"></p> </blockquote> This was found here :;tstart=0

Is Rails dying?

More to the point, should Rails die? Rails brought a lot of great things - it made it dumb easy to package an entire app together. It abstracted the complexity of the storage layer. It created an entire market. Things like Heroku, Railsonfire/codeship and other companies turned a profit by extending the benefits of Rails. And things like Capistrano were born. Everything that can be automated should be automated.