Ruby on Rails + Sybase

Caveat: This adapter may only work with the enterprise edition of Sybase (i.e. Sybase ASE) not with SQLAnywhere (Sybase ASA) =gem install activerecord-sybase-adapter -s = 1 2 3 4 5 6 ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( :adapter => "sybase", :database => "test", :host => "", :username => "kevin", :password => "test") Play!

Passwords, passwords

Default passwords for MSSQL, Sybase, and mySQL: , , , That's right.. All three have blank root / sa passwords by default. Talk about secure! That's the kind of knowledge that can come in handy.

Lisp on OSX

Just a link to a page.. Got me started with barely any trouble (just make sure you know how to read a .emacs file - I learned on the fly on his page, it wasn't too tricky).

Installing the mysql gem on OSX

Taken straight from <a href="">this blog</a> in a terminal.. First do a locate mysql_config and then replace the path in the following command with where that file is. $ sudo gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-config=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config 1 2 3 Building native extensions. This could take a while... Successfully installed mysql-2.7 1 gem installed